Friday, January 27, 2012

HB2267 Restore Local Rights 2012


Allow cities the right to decide to have smoke-free public places to compete for new business and jobs, to reduce health care costs and tax burden, and to protect their citizens from secondhand smoke.
  • HB 2267 does NOT allow cities to regulate where or how tobacco is marketed, sold, or taxed.

  • HB 2267 does NOT make businesses smoke-free, it only lets cities and their citizens discuss what they want for their city.

HB 2267 WILL allow cities the opportunity to compete for new businesses with a healthier workforce.

  • Cities in Oklahoma are competing with cities in other states for new businesses and jobs.
  • Smoking costs Oklahoma businesses over $1.73 Billion each year for health related illness and lost productivity. (Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids -

HB 2267 WILL allow cities to decide if they want to reduce health care costs for Oklahomans.
  • Oklahoma pays $1.16 Billion in support of health care for tobacco related illnesses.  (Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids-
  • Every Oklahoma household pays $553 in state and federal taxes due to smoking related illnesses.  (Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids –
  • Reducing tobacco use among workers:
-       generates financial returns from reduced health care costs;
-       increases on-the-job productivity;
-       reduces life and health insurance costs;
-       creates a healthier workforce which helps Oklahoma compete for business.

HB 2267 WILL allow cities the opportunity to protect their citizens from secondhand smoke.

·          There is no safe level of secondhand smoke.  (Surgeon General’s Report 2006)
·          Ventilation doesn’t work.  [American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE); OU Indoor Air Quality Report; American Cancer Society]

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